It is about time.
These Christian activists have finally fulfilled Jesus' wishes for God's creation. They have lived up to the message that the Prince of Injustice preached during his ministry on earth. When confronted with opposing views, Jesus reacted by throwing stones, lighting fires, and pushing His disciples to do the same. Jesus preached a message of violent expression of ideals, and often lashed out physically at the Pharisees and Sadducees that challenged Him during His day.
Christ fulfilled the desire of the people by being the Messiah that they wanted. He led an army against the Roman oppressors and liberated the nation of Israel, just like the Chosen people wanted.
The Shepherd to the Flock of Those Who Already Follow Him showed His followers the way of intolerance and pushed for his believers to disrespect the marginalized and ensure their oppression. The outcasts and the suffering in Jesus' society were put in their place by the Lamb of God, who served the righteous and offered them up for salvation. Jesus said in Matthew 5:3-10
"Blessed are the rich in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who rejoice,
For they will continue in their joy.
Blessed are the strong,
For they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are the merciless,
For they have been righteous.
Blessed are the sure in heart,
For they will see God.
Blessed are the instigators,
For they will be called Sons of God.
Blessed are those who persecute in the name of righteousness,
For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."
The Way, the Truth, and the Life was only for those who agreed with Jesus and those who understood Him and His will. Jesus never healed anyone who wasn't a Jew, and His message was only for a select few. I am sure that the Light to Some of the World would smile today on those who carry on in His name the intolerance and oppression that he fought so hard to bring to this world.
Jesus made it very clear that we are to continue His judgment here on earth and in our own human understanding. Matthew 7:1-2 says, "Judge, or you will be judged for not judging. For it is up to you to judge your fellow man and act on their misdeeds."
Christ lived for us to bully gay people. Christ lived for us to enforce inequality. Christ lived for us to be rich. Christ lived as a voice for those who already had one. There are few things in this world that make me prouder than calling these intolerant people followers of the Redeeming Christ. It warms my heart to know that Jesus' messages of conditional love, acceptance of those who are alike, and radical hatred has lived on in the lives of real Christians today. These people can really continue Christ's messages and continue to be a symbol for His action in this world. Too many soft Christians have misinterpreted Jesus to be a symbol for something else. A symbol for peace.

Bold, brash, daring, gutsy, really just putting it all out there aren’t you? You’re right though and I agree with the statement you’re making…this was just a very borderline crazy way to put it out there. Love how you’ve twisted the bible verses around, and what sad is how people really do things like that to justify their actions, it’s sad.
If you keep reading a bit further in Matthew chapter 5 you'll see Jesus says: "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men."
ReplyDeleteSalt provides flavor, but it also purifies and stings, Jesus definitely lived a salty life, he brought awesome flavor with pure love and forgiveness but if you didn't line up with him boom: "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."
Pete got burnt! like salt to an open wound, it kills the infection but it hurts.
Don't lose your saltiness Alan or you will become "no longer good for anything"
I love love love this. It is a bold statement that will really catch people's attentions. I am have seen more and more of this side of you come out in the past year and although some might not agree with it, your passion on topics thike this really shows. This type of passion is what is going to make a difference and reach out to those who need it.
ReplyDeletegreat, if your entire belief system is based only on the bible. a logical person would look at this and say..wtf? you guys are happy because you are driving people to kill themselves, and you think you're carrying out some mission of god. jesus christ. it just sounds stupid when you say it. you make yourselves no different than terrorist against the United States. they are just carrying out their beliefs..right?
ReplyDeleteI am in full agreement with Stephanie.
ReplyDeleteI really hope that the brilliance of this satire is not lost on readers, and that those who are not familiar with the bible passages will look them up and see just how clearly adjusted they are for the sake of this post.
ReplyDeleteThere is a clear misunderstanding of Jesus' message in our world today - a warped, rewritten, revamped and ravaged version of the gospel - that is presented as fact to the greater community, and this post presents that distorted message with gusto.
Well done Alan - I just hope readers take the time to interpret the message.
When will we see this on the front page of the NYTimes? It needs to be there.
ReplyDeleteDitto on Stephanie's comment.
You should think about writing your entire thesis in satire. Union has never seen the likes of you young man.
This is either complete and other blasphemy or a marvelous work of political satire. I hope your true argument is with the latter because it would represent awful views that are truly out there and what lengths they go through to twist things. But if not the latter, this would have to the most radical, unamerican, and unchristian article I've ever wasted time on.
ReplyDeleteWhen I wrote this, I thought that it was perhaps more blatant as to what my position was. These responses are very interesting to me...
ReplyDeleteInteresting how unfamiliar people are with the passages - unfamiliar enough that they could think you are citing something seriously.
ReplyDeleteWhat's even more unnerving is that a post I acknowledged quickly as satire is believed by others to be a plausible post by one Jesus-inclined seminarian.
I sent this to someone I was CERTAIN would understand the intent and she responded with concern that I had become the fire and brimstone type. Never in a million years did I think I would have to explain that it was just the opposite... I had thought the post would be self explanatory. Strange how much gets lost in translation.
I think the mixed responses can be explained by Poe's Law which states that it's impossible to make a satire of fundamentalist-like thinking because there is always someone out there who fits the satire completely.
ReplyDeletePeople can be sooo literal...read between the lines folks. Does this REALLY sound like the Jesus we worship? Wake up America!!!
ReplyDeleteLindsay Lutz
ReplyDeleteI like this alot,I hope makes people look in the Bible to see if this is what our Christ really wanted us to do,and to think. I miss your twist on things
ReplyDeleteI cant really say anything to this that has not been said.