Thursday, September 30, 2010

Adam: Going unSteady

In the past five years divorce attorneys have reported that the amount of prenuptial agreements has increased.

This isn't surprising considering (as I'm sure all of you have heard hundreds of times) the divorce rate in America is 50% for first marriages according to Jennifer. But what a lot of people don't know is that Baker has also found that 67% of second marriages end in divorce and even more surprisingly 74% of third marriages end in (you guessed it) divorce.

These types of statistics upset me. At no point in life are you less than a coin flip likely to end your marriage. For those of you who are technical, Webster defines marriage as:
a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage
Contractual relationship recognized by law? Is that what America thinks of marriage? No wonder half of them don't last. It is also no surprise that more and more Americas are getting prenups. In the eyes of Webster marriage is nothing more than dating for adults. I guess once you are finished dating you want your class ring back (or in adult terms your retirement funds).

I believe marriage is something more than just between a man and a woman. I believe it is a commitment before God. If God is removed from marriage then it becomes corrupt and faulty.

This is exactly what has happened in America, we have taken the engine out of the car and have no idea why it doesn't run. I have no problem with the divorce rates in the country the only problem I have is the government selling a cheap imitation and calling it marriage. If you are going to remove the central purpose from marriage then call it something else. I think differentiating the two relationships would help identify the source of divorce rates. If you are in a consensual contractual relationship recognized by law call it what it is... a civil union. If you are in a consensual contractual relationship recognized by God call it what it is...marriage.

Go Bucks


  1. I really disagree with the government being involved in marriages. The tax breaks, the perks, all of it just equates to inequality in society and the government sanctioning, or not sanctioning a relationship between people.

    Leave marriages to the churches, make them private, not public.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think this is right on:

    Separation of church and state!

  4. Oh that last comment, I was quoting the last 2 sentences of the blog. We have to differentiate between relationships recognized by law and those recognized by God - they are not the same thing!

  5. I totally agree with you on this one. If a marriage is TRUELY founded on God, then I think you are going to see a significant dropoff in the divorce rates. Most marriages are covered up as based on God because they happen in a church, but the foundation is on sand, not stone.

    Also, why is only half of this post green?

  6. Yea, I also noticed that this was only half green. Is this some sort of a publicity stunt?

  7. You're right, marriage has turned into a business with contracts and all. Someone was even proposing we make marriages temporary. Meaning, after 7 years (or something like it) you would have to take steps to renew your marriage and if you didn't want to you didn't have to. My thoughts are that if you enter into something thinking, "And if it doesn't work out, at least we don't have to renew it" you shouldn't enter into it at all.
    Just for fun, what would civil union couples refer to each other as? "We got civil unioned this weekend. Let me introduce you to my legal partner. No, not a partner in my law firm the guy I'm civil unioned to."
